The Sword of Moses

The Weekday Private Amidah

1. Ancestors

I bless You, Holy One

God of Abraham and Sarah

God of Isaac and Rebekah

God of Jacob and Rachel and Leah.

My life force and that of those who came before me.

Life force of my mythic ancestors,

Each of them wrestling with You in their own way.

When I remember them, my own life is put in perspective:

one strand in the weave of Your people.

The force of life that came through may ancestors and become me

is cosmic greatness, goodness, and loving-kindness.

When I am aware that this force lives on through me

I help redeem my generation and all those to come for the sake of Your love.

You are my helper, my lover, my protector.

I bless You, Holy One, whose love holds me in the arms of my ancestors.

2. Gevurot/Powers

You are a beautiful and fierce lover-warrior, God.

Your love wrests life from death.

In the cycles of of rain on the soil

And the cycles of growth in my soul

You lift heal those who are ailing

You release those who are bound.

You keep firm faith with those who sleep in the dust.

Your presence slips into my heart even when I sleep or want to be sleeping.

Who is like You, Master of Strength? Who compares to You.

You are life and You are death and You are the gardener who tends to both.

I affirm my trust in Your power to wrest life from death.

I bless You, Holy One, Who brings forth life from death.

3. Kedushat HaShem / Halloweing the Divine Name

You are holy and Your name is holy.

You are the balance between loving-kindness and justice.

I affirm Your ability to help me find that balance as I am made in Your image.

I bless You, Holy One, Holy of Holies.

4. Binah / Understanding

Help me to reflect upon my actions

Help me to be aware of my thoughts

Help me to understand my emotions

that I may ever grow in balance, integrity, and compassion.

I bless You, Holy One, Who graciously grants me awareness.

5. Teshuvah / Return

Return me to You, Holy One!

Bring me close to You through service.

Circle me back to my whole heart.

Which knows I belong to You.

I bless You, Holy One; those who return to You bring You joy.

6. Selikhah / Forgiveness

Forgive me, God

and help me forgive myself.

I am so imperfect and I judge myself so harshly.

Help me remember that perfection is Yours alone

and my job is to show up with courage and compassion

to my own messy human life.

I bless You, Holy One, Who forgives so much.

7. Ge'ulah / Redemption

See my struggles and help me with my troubles!

Bring me out of my stuck places so I can better be awake to my life.

Redeem me quickly and with ease from pain of shame.

I bless You, Holy One, Who redeems.

8. Refu'ah / Healing

Heal me, Nurturing One, and le me feel healed.

Save me, Holy One, and let me know I am safe.

Healed in body, mind, spirit,

Saved from the blight of my own fears. Heal me from perfectionism and lust for results.

Save me from believing my own inner critics and sooth my grief.

Send healing love to all those I hold in my heart today.

I bless You, Holy One, healer of all.


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